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Curriculum Information | Highcliffe School

Curriculum Information


Every bit of time spent in school can be considered as part of the ‘curriculum’. This includes extra-curricular activities and all those extra bits of input from staff outside to the classroom supporting students.  

Our curriculum is continuously developed and improved to ensure our students leave that subject, be that at Key Stage 3, 4 or 5, with a secure understanding of how that subject contributes to their understanding of the world.   You can see our school Curriculum Policy here.

When constructing our curriculum we will always take in to account Equality and SEND legislation and this is covered in our school policies at: www.highcliffe.school/Policies 

Below you can explore the different subjects we offer at Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 9), Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11) and Key Stage 5 (Sixth Form).  

You can see more about the transition from Year 9 to GCSE via our Options Portal at: www.highcliffe.school/OptionsPortal 

Examples of our extra curricular offer can be found at www.highcliffe.school/Clubs.

Whole School Curriculum Intent

Key Stage Three 

Provide a broad and balanced curriculum which gives all ability ranges an education equipping them with critical core knowledge, understanding and skills in each subject. The curriculum prepares students effectively for future learning without limiting their learning to examination preparation. It balances a strong focus on numeracy, literacy and scientific learning with a holistic education in the arts, performing arts, languages, humanities, technologies and computing so that students develop a rich cultural capital associated with each subject. Engagement is inspired by a rich and varied learning experience, where progress made in learning and as an individual is celebrated. Progress in learning is enhanced by a stimulating and high-quality extra-curricular education available to students across the Key Stage. 

Key Stage Four 

Provide a curriculum that enhances student’s cultural understanding, core knowledge and is suited to our student profile, balancing compulsory learning with pathways for sub-groups or individuals, which inspire and engage students whilst keeping future choices open and developing their academic and personal resilience. Engagement is inspired by a rich and varied learning experience, where progress made in learning and as an individual is celebrated. Progress in learning is enhanced by a stimulating and high-quality extra-curricular education available to students across the Key Stage. 

Key Stage Five 

To provide an academic curriculum progressing learning from Key Stage 4 or opening-up new opportunities, which is matched to our student intake profile and is delivered through differentiated Pathways for individuals (informed by prior attainment). The curriculum inspires and engages students whilst also equipping them with cultural capital successfully broadening horizons and preparing them for progression at 18, and for their future life as learners, employees, employers and informed citizens.

Subject Intents

You can view our subject mission statements and intents here

If you require more information please email the school office.

    Owned by: MDS | Last Published: 15/02/2024 10:23:47 | Next Update: N/A