Course Explorer | Highcliffe School

Course Explorer


Subject Mission Statement

To educate, inspire and promote the understanding of the role Sciences play in human endeavour. Students will be able to make rational life choices, develop skills relevant to future careers and contribute meaningfully to a modern society.


This course will develop knowledge and skills to help understand the living world around us. The course aims to provide a smooth transition between GCSE and A level with some topics being an extension of GCSE work. As well as studying in class, there are many opportunities available for students to enhance their learning and progress. Students in Year 12 visit the Biomedical Sciences at a University observing an electron microscope. Students in Year 13 go on a 3 day Ecology field course to the Purbecks. The content, split into six teaching modules with the Practical Endorsement to constitute the full A Level.

KS5 Intent Statement

Educate students to acquire a firm understanding of key scientific principles and detailed technical knowledge, opening pathways to Science and technology vocations.

Students will be able to relate technical knowledge to developments in society (eg climate change/sustainable development) Further develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills and scientific literacy. Facilitate extend practical and organisational skills.

Topic areas taught at KS4 will be revisited in each subject’s A Level course in more breadth and depth. As Science is a spiral curriculum this will building upon previous knowledge, content and skills to enhance a greater comprehension and appreciation of Science.

STEM activities at KS5 include; trips to Higher Education providers (eg biomedical imaging, high voltage lab); opportunities to study subjects in ‘the field’ (eg Biology Field Trips, Chemistry work in Southampton University laboratories); Talks by visitors (eg genetic engineering as part of Science week); aspiring medics and vets programme

Qualification Details

Exam Board: OCR
Qualification Title: Biology
Qualification Specification Code: H420
Qualification Webpage: Click here to visit the OCR webpage for the specification.

Entry Requirements

Standard Sixth Form entry requirements, plus GCSE Science grade 6 or above.

What will I study in this qualification?

Possible Career Paths

Research, Healthcare, Environmental Conservation, Education, Employment in Zoos, Aquariums and National Parks, Veterinary Science, Medicine, Marine Biology, Biotechnology, Agriculture, Food Science, Forensic Science, Politics and Policy, Environmental Protection, Pharmacology, Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering, Physiotherapy and many more.

A level Biology provides students with the opportunity to develop a set of highly transferable skills. Competent biologists are adept at critical thinking. They are able to analyse and evaluate complex data. They have highly developed research skills and have the confidence to produce logical, evidence based solutions to problems.

Who should I speak to if I need further information?

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