Course Explorer | Highcliffe School

Course Explorer

Science Separate

Subject Mission Statement

To educate, inspire and promote the understanding of the role Sciences play in human endeavour. Students will be able to make rational life choices, develop skills relevant to future careers and contribute meaningfully to a modern society.


The aim of our Key Stage 3 Science course is to consolidate and extend the science knowledge that the students have been taught at Key Stage 2 and to ensure that they are fully prepared for all aspects of the GCSE Science course with the ultimate goal that many will go onto study A-levels in our subject. Students study Biology, Chemistry and Physics at Key Stage3. The work is divided up into a number of discrete Biology, Chemistry and Physics units which are taught from an in-house scheme, Exploring Science and Activate texts. We value the learning of science through practical work and there is a big emphasis on developing student’s practical skills so that they are fully prepared for the Required Practical Tasks and PAGS that they will do in GCSE and A-Level science respectively. Practical work takes place in fully fitted laboratories and in the spring and summer terms students are also taken outside to work at the pond and garden areas.


KS3 Intent Statement

Educate students to have a basic understanding of scientific principles and how these relate to everyday life (eg vaccines/global warming/pollution) Enable students to develop teamwork and logical skills and the ability to draw conclusions based on observations and data from practical investigations. Develop an understanding of how Science works.
Introduce students to a range of STEM activities including competitions and clubs both as part of lessons and extra-curricular. Encourage KS2 transition with Y6 forensics Day and Y6 Science lessons at Highcliffe. Use of Activities Week to inspire and engage students with different aspects of Science not necessarily taught in the Science curriculum and to introduce the idea of possible career routes in Science.

Year 7

Speed; gravity; voltage and resistance; current; energy costs; energy transfer; particle model; separating mixtures; metals and non-metals; acids and alkalis; earth structure; movement; cells; interdependence; plant reproduction; variation; human reproduction.

Year 8

Universe; sound; light ; contact forces; pressure; electromagnets; magnetism; wave effects; periodic table; elements; chemical energy; climate; breathing; digestion; respiration; evolution; inheritance.

Year 9

Photosynthesis; earth resources; types of reaction; wave properties; work; heating and cooling. In addition to the Key Stage 3 units listed above students will spend the second term of Year 9 undertaking some transitional work in Science. This will include skill-based topics and concepts in Science to prepare students for their GCSE Science courses.


This option does not take up an 'Option Choice' and instead uses the existing 10 hours for double science and two hours are also used from EPD and PE Core giving 12 hours in total split as 4 hours each for Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Science is a compulsory subject at GCSE. Separate Science is an alternative provision which includes studying each Science in more detail culminating in 3 GCSE grades, one for each Science. Our Separate Science course is a popular course at GCSE, particularly for those who want to pursue a career in the sciences. Students will have a total of 12 hours spread over a fortnight instead of the 10 hours offered to all students studying the Combined Science course.

KS4 Intent Statement

Educate students to further understand the role sciences play in human endeavour and how scientific understanding can help us to make rational life choices and understand modern developments within society, as well as developing skills relevant to many careers. Build on students’ understanding of scientific principles, skills and methods learnt at KS3, so that students identify logical solutions to new topics and develop their scientific literacy including being able to discuss a case study or argue a hypothesis with evidence and rigour. Promote literacy through extended writing and extended oracy, combined with the use of Tier 3 vocabulary as well as key scientific terminology. Core knowledge and understanding is developed for the majority of students by studying Double Science. Enhanced learning opportunities are available through Separate Sciences to students most inspired by the Key Stage 3 curriculum or where they are beneficial for future pathways. Develop student’s academic resilience using a spiral curriculum where cumulative testing challenges them to recall and use prior learning as topics become more complex, and by providing opportunities for them to learn from their mistakes or challenge misconceptions. Regularly identify progress made in learning and celebrate it by sharing best work and by rewarding it through the Rewards Policy. Inspire students further and extend their learning beyond the taught curriculum with a programme of STEM activities, Medics events, guest speakers, and the Top University event; which are carefully targeted to encourage vulnerable student groups’ participation.

Qualification Details

Exam Board: AQA
Qualification Title: Separate Science: Bio, Phy and Chem
Qualification Specification Code: 8461 – GCSE Biology 8462 – GCSE Chemistry 8463 – GCSE Physics
Qualification Webpage: Click here to visit the AQA webpage for the specification.

Why should I study this course?

The course aims to give students opportunities to:

• Develop their interest in, and enthusiasm for, science
• Develop a critical approach to scientific evidence and methods
• Acquire and apply skills, knowledge and understanding of how science works and its essential role in society
• Acquire scientific skills, knowledge and understanding necessary for progression to further learning.

What knowledge and/or skills will I need?

To opt for this course, students must be predominantly achieving excellence at Key Stage 3. If in doubt, please clarify with your Science teacher. Due to the rigorous nature of the course we only offer Separate Science to the students who have shown an enthusiasm towards Science, an excellent work ethic and consistently high attainment across the three sciences.

What will I study in this qualification?

For the GCSE students will be taught by 3 subject specialist teachers and will be awarded 3 GCSEs at the end of the course. Students must study all 3 of the sciences

The modules covered include:

Biology – Cell Biology; Organisation; Infection and Response; Bioenergetics; Homeostasis and Response; Inheritance; Variation and Evolution; Ecology

Chemistry – Atomic Structure; Bonding, Structure and the Properties of Matter; Quantitative Chemistry; Chemical Changes; Energy Changes; Rate and Extent of Chemical Change; Organic Chemistry; Chemical Analysis; Chemistry of the Atmosphere; Using Resources

Physics – Energy; Electricity; Particle Model of Matter; Atomic Structure; Forces; Waves; Magnetism and Electromagnetism; Space Physics

Required Practicals – There are a series of required practicals to be completed by all students and these will be assessed during the summer examinations. This has replaced the need for coursework.

Skills – development of scientific thinking; experimental skills and strategies; analysis and evaluation; scientific vocabulary; quantities; units; symbols; nomenclature. Skills lessons are taught in year 9, 10 and 11 to help students gain the necessary skills they require as scientists and to help prepare them for their science examinations.

How will I be assessed?

Combined Science is assessed through 6 terminal examinations taken at the end of Year 11. The papers are a total of 1hour 45 minutes and assess different parts of the course with some overlap across all the modules. There are a total of 6 papers and the units being assessed in each examination are outlined below:

Paper 1 – Cell Biology; Organisation; Infection and Response; Bioenergetics
Paper 2 – Homeostasis and Response; Inheritance; Variation and Evolution; Ecology

Paper 1 – Atomic Structure; Bonding, Structure and the Properties of Matter; Quantitative Chemistry; Chemical Changes; Energy Changes.
Paper 2 – Rate and Extent of Chemical Change; Organic Chemistry; Chemical Analysis; Chemistry of the Atmosphere; Using Resources.

Paper 1 – Energy, Electricity; Particle Model of Matter; Atomic Structure
Paper 2 – Forces; Waves; Magnetism and Electromagnetism; Space Physics

Possible Career Paths

There are a huge range of vocations which are available to students who have a scientific career in mind. Just some of these are listed below:

Analytical chemist
Animal technician
Biomedical engineer
Biomedical scientist
Clinical psychologist
Clinical research associat
Clothing/textile technologist
Colour technologist
Community pharmacist
Environmental health practition
Food technologist
Forensic scientist
Healthcare scientist
Hospital pharmacist
Plant breeder/geneticis
Research scientis Science writer
Scientific laboratory technician
Teaching laboratory technician
Water quality scientist

Who should I speak to if I need further information?

Mrs Chapman

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