We believe that everyone can succeed in mathematics and our aim is for
all students to develop their confidence in maths and share in our passion for
the subject. At the heart of mathematics is solving problems. We aim to foster
students ability to think mathematically and develop their ability to reason
and problem solve.
This course will further develop knowledge and skills to help model and
solve complex mathematical situations. Concepts from the Mathematics A Level
will be developed in more detail with new and exciting areas of Mathematics
introduced, such as matrices and complex numbers. The course content is half
Pure Mathematics (two examinations), one- quarter Further Statistics (one
examination) and one-quarter Further Mechanics (one examination). Alongside the
rigorous, stimulating and challenging course we deliver, we offer students the
opportunity to deepen their interest, understanding and skills beyond A Level.
Enrichment trips are organised where students attend inspirational lectures and
develop problem-solving skills, giving them an insight into Mathematics based
university courses. When it comes to applying to do a Mathematics degree, it
would seem that the main thing Mathematics departments at University are interested
in is the Maths you have done, so the more you do the better! At Highcliffe we
offer timetabled lessons throughout Year 12 and 13 that help prepare students
for the university entry examination papers: STEP, MAT and TMUA. These lessons
also prepare students for any mathematical problem-solving questions that could
come up during interview, alongside improving skills for their Further
Mathematics and Mathematics examinations.
The foundations of the Key Stage 5 curriculum are to enable students to successfully transition from Key Stage 4 to the challenge of A-Level and Further Mathematics. Students will continue to develop resilience and independence enabling them to overcome challenges as they deepen their mathematical knowledge.
The curriculum is sequenced in a way so that student’s draw on prior knowledge. Links are consistently made between Pure and Applied content to enable students to see the bigger picture to develop them to be more cohesive mathematical thinkers.
Students will be supported in developing their ability to supplement the learning which takes place in lessons with private study to consolidate their understanding. This will enable students to be prepared in their future study/employment post sixth form.
Exam Board: Edexcel
Qualification Title: Further Mathematics
Qualification Specification Code: 9372
Qualification Webpage: Click here to visit the Edexcel webpage for the specification.
Standard Sixth Form
entry requirements plus minimum Mathematics GCSE grade 7 or above but
preferably grade 8 or above.
Mathematics, Science and Technology based degrees, Engineering, Economics, Finance, Medical degrees and Computing. If you are intending on applying for a STEM degree, it can be beneficial to study Further Mathematics. Studying Further Mathematics is excellent preparation for University, especially if you wish to study any Mathematics-related subject such as Engineering, Science, Computing or Technology, as well as Mathematics itself. Many universities now encourage students to take Further Mathematics qualifications to improve their mathematical preparation for degree courses. Leading universities, including Cambridge, now specify Further Mathematics as an entry requirement for certain courses.
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