Highcliffe working with Woodland Trust | Highcliffe School

Highcliffe working with Woodland Trust

Highcliffe is working with the Woodland Trust to promote the climate change agenda.

Our trees have arrived and our Year 9 students have been given the task of planting them. They have been planted around the front of school and also at the far side of field, with more planting to be done near the car parking area. The tress are all mixed deciduous woodland trees that are native to the UK. Anyone can join in and get planting- just go to the Woodland Trust website for further details. https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/plant-trees/schools-and-communities/

We have successfully bid for tree saplings to plant around the school site. We will be planting some trees that are ideal for wildlife because they provide excellent habitats as well as an abundance of fruit and seeds for birds and other animals. We are also planting some traditional trees that are found in English woodland small copses and these trees are also excellent habitats for all kinds of wildlife. 

 All the trees are native to the UK and will complement the amazing mature New Forest trees that we have on our school site. It will take a long time for our new saplings to be as impressive as our mature trees but we are very keen to do our ‘bit’ to decrease carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and to support our local wildlife. 

The Trust has launched its ‘Big Climate Fightback’ recently to increase the number of acres of woodland in the UK. Trees ‘eat’ carbon dioxide as they photosynthesise and our saplings will be playing their part to combat climate change for many years to come. Tree planting will start soon as we await our delivery. 

If you would like to help us, then please contact the school office to register your interest.   

 Mr O’Connor and the Biology and Site teams

    Owned by: | Last Published: 09/12/2019 11:52:59 | Next Update: N/A

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